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Pro AV Catalog
Peerless-AV - ADD102
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24" Multi-Display Powder Coat Black Fixed Drop Column

Model: ADD102

  • Multi-Display ceiling mount for 3 to 4 displays
  • Three different configurations: in-line, curvilinear and circular
  • Choose desired ceiling drop length and drop length of equipment from pipe
  • 0° to 20° adjustable tilt
  • 360° swivel for each display
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Peerless-AV’s fixed ADD extension columns are designed specifically to accommodate the heavy load of multi display configurations. The attachment to the ceiling adaptor/plate is non-threaded and uses a bolted connection so it can support heavier loads. The bottom of the extension column is tapped 1.5”-11.5 NPT so it can connect to nearly any Peerless-AV ceiling mounted product. These extension columns are compatible with the DCT300, DCT500, DCT600, DCT800, DCT900 and DCS400 ceiling adaptors/plates.

  • Multi-Display ceiling mount for 3 to 4 displays
  • Three different configurations: in-line, curvilinear and circular
  • Choose desired ceiling drop length and drop length of equipment from pipe
  • 0° to 20° adjustable tilt
  • 360° swivel for each display
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