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Danley Sound Labs, Inc. - GH-60
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Synergy Horn Full-range Loudspeaker, 104dB Sensitivity

Model: GH-60

  • Incorporates 3 patent pending technologies synergy horn, paraline and shaded amplitude lens
  • Due to shaded amplitude lens, the GH-60 has 16dB of gain
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GH-60 incorporates 3 patent pending technologies synergy horn, paraline and shaded amplitude lens. The box houses a total of 18 drivers utilizing 21 horizontal 20° downward vanes that provide even front-to-back coverage line array performance from a single point source. Due to the shaded amplitude lens, the GH-60 has 16dB of gain on the furthest listener’s axis and all 45° of the vertical coverage is useable. This technology made possible by the synergy horn is certain to lead a paradigm shift in loudspeaker history.
  • Incorporates 3 patent pending technologies synergy horn, paraline and shaded amplitude lens
  • Due to shaded amplitude lens, the GH-60 has 16dB of gain
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