Barco: In the current environment, how much do you think patients want, and need access to clinical information?
Olivier Vanovermeire (Head of Radiology at AZ Groeninge, Belgium):
I think they absolutely want it. With more access to information,
patients are becoming more in tune with their healthcare activities.
This information needs to be available throughout the entire healthcare
journey, in the pre-diagnosis, bedside and post-discharge stages.
Patients want to be able to keep track of their health status. But
further to clinical information, patients want to be informed on every
aspect of the healthcare process. They want to know about costs and
processes. They want to be involved.
Barco: Who delivers this information - is there a role for a wider group of healthcare practitioners to have direct contact with patients, including radiologists?
Erik R. Ranschaert (Radiologist at Jeroen Bosch, The Netherlands):
Patients receive better care the more specialists are engaged, but it’s
not only the responsibility of the treating physician. Patients want to
be kept informed throughout every interaction. For radiologists,
there’s an opportunity for us to get out from behind the workstation and
engage with patients directly. We also need to consider when reports
become accessible to patients. We need to rethink the way we communicate
with patients, not just directly but in written reports also.
Barco: Does there need to be any up skilling of radiologists in this case?
Erik: Yes, additional training around patient
interaction and communication is essential. We don’t see patients
everyday, so training to support these interactions is important.
I also think healthcare providers should receive additional training in
the use of social media. Most of us are already using social media, both
in a personal and professional capacity, but I think more training in
this area would be beneficial, especially around engaging with patients
and protecting our personal data.
Barco: What impact is social media having on the delivery of healthcare – both for healthcare practitioners and patients?
Ketan Thanki (Key Account Manager for Barco Healthcare):
Social media is becoming an important exchange of experience. Patients
are contacting people with similar diseases, they’re sharing knowledge
and they’re learning from each other’s experience. I think that’s where
the trend is going – more transparency and visibility in healthcare. A
lot of the time, patients will arrive in the hospital or clinician’s
room well versed on their chronic conditions. With this background
knowledge in hand, patients can play a significant role in contributing
to their own treatment plan. This can be helpful for both the patient
and the healthcare practitioner.
Erik: Social media is growing rapidly and patients
are using these platforms as a source of medical information. Hospitals
need to be active on these platforms in order to engage with patients
and support them with accessing the right information.
Barco: How important is patient satisfaction, and is this changing?
Ulrich Brüll (Barco’s Market Director for Interactive Patient Care):
Patient satisfaction is becoming a key performance indicator for
hospitals. Patients are informing themselves on what to expect before
they arrive. They’re researching online and engaging in social media.
Patients are then using these same platforms to update others on their
experience. Measuring satisfaction goes beyond healthcare treatment. It
takes into account the food, the staff, the facilities and the quality
of service. The way the patient is treated on a whole is what matters,
and this is what determines satisfaction.
Barco: What different channels can be used to drive empowerment and education?
Ketan: Online patient groups are key for driving patient empowerment, but from a hospital’s perspective, these groups can be difficult to manage when patients are spread across various hospitals and locations. More thought needs to go into how information and insight from these groups can be collected and organized efficiently.
Ulrich: Interactive patient care systems for bedside terminals are another way to enhance the patient experience and encourage patient involvement in their treatment plan. These systems provide educational materials and resources specific to the patient’s condition. Education shouldn’t stop at discharge though, suitable post-discharge care should also be provided to support the treatment process.
Erik: As healthcare providers, we need to be mindful of our communication and engagement techniques. Keeping patients informed is fundamental for driving patient empowerment and education. We should also make better use of social media as a new and effective communications tool. Greater healthcare outcomes can only be achieved when all participants in the healthcare journey are fully engaged.