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Barco’s laser projector wins Lumière™ Award from the International 3D Society, in recognition of its ‘innovation and impact’
Posted on Friday, September 26, 2014
Kortrijk, Belgium, 26 September – Digital cinema leader Barco proudly announces that its 4K laser-illuminated projector has won a ‘Technology and New Product’ Award from the International 3D & Advanced Imaging Society. With the award, which was presented during a gala luncheon at Paramount Pictures (Hollywood) on Wednesday last, the Society recognizes Barco’s laser projector technology for its superb technology, which will help drive the digital cinema industry forward. For Barco, the award is proof that its efforts to take cinema to the next level are clearly paying off.

For the fifth year now, the 3D Society Awards laud companies and organizations that, through their ‘innovation and impact’, make movies and content more exciting and successful. “The 19 companies honored today came from brilliant teams in ten countries including the US, China, Japan, Korea, England, Wales, France, Belgium, Germany and Canada. Hollywood and all of us in entertainment are being enriched by a truly global marketplace of brilliant new ideas for making our content more exciting for audiences everywhere,” said Society President Jim Chabin. Society Awards chairman Buzz Hays, Studio Chief of the True Image Company, added: “We were amazed at the range of entries, from lasers to hologram technology. These are amazing technologies that will be captivating movie fans and TV audiences in the next few years.” 

Acknowledgment for hard work
Since the first demos in 2012, Barco has been the frontrunner in laser projection, establishing an early lead in laser illumination technology. The award-winning DP4K-60L is the first of its type capable of showing 4K content at 60 fps and 3D movies in 4K resolution at such high brightness levels. “The new laser projector clearly meets the needs of cinema exhibitors, who are always looking for more light output,” said Wim Buyens, Senior VP Entertainment at Barco. “We are delighted that the International 3D & Advanced Imaging Society acknowledges our efforts and our leadership in this industry, confirming how our high-brightness laser projection technology will leverage the cinema experience. It is a real honor to win this Lumière statuette!”  

Revolutionize the cinema experience       
Over the past few years, Barco has significantly strengthened its foothold in the digital cinema market and worked hard to deliver innovative solutions that help exhibitors take cinema to the next level. Barco’s laser projector is just one result of these efforts, as is the Auro 11.1 immersive sound format. Both are gathered under the name ‘CinemaBarco’, together with other Barco innovations like the Barco Escape panoramic movie format. Barco Escape debuted just this week at five Cinemark Theaters in the US, with Fox’s release of ‘The Maze Runner’. In a press release earlier this week, Barco also announced its plans to bring a recent live performance of Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga to Barco Escape theaters in early 2015.

Shaping the cinema of the future
The 3D & Advanced Imaging Society greatly appreciates Barco’s continuous efforts to shape the cinema of the future. A few weeks ago, Barco joined the Society as a founding member, thereby underscoring its commitment to the entertainment business. As a member of the 3D Society’s Executive Committee and Board of Governors, Buyens joined Walt Disney Studios’ Mike DeValue, chairman of the Society, in a panel discussion on ‘the Future of Content’ during the opening session of Con-Tech 2015, a seminar set up by the 3D Society and the NAB show prior to the Awards luncheon.
